Land Surveyor
Our Father, Richard Plain, Sr. always said- "The homeowner doesn't know what we do, it is our job to educate them".
This is something we never forgot, and we try to the best of our ability each & every day to explain to any potential client, so they are clear about why we are involved in their project, what our part is, and most importantly... well... let's be honest... no one likes to spend money without having a clear understanding of where and why it is being spent. Even though it is difficult at times to help someone understand what we do, we make a great effort to try and explain it to our clients.
In most common projects, the Land Surveyor is "The Straw that stirs the Drink". We are the first ones in and the last ones out. We gather evidence & data, and that information is provided to your architect, designer or General Contractor (G.C.), in the form of a map, they then are armed with all the knowledge they need to go about their job, to design your project.
The Architect, after reviewing our map, and all the data that is there for them, they design your project. They then provide the Land Surveyor with your/his intentions, we gather all of the proposed information and we calculate and mathematically check, to make sure your plans will conform to zoning. Architects are experts in what they do, but we are experts at determining property lines, setback lines and all zoning requirements. It is not uncommon for documents to go back and forth and discussions to be had, over options by any and all people involved.
Once the final decisions are made, we incorporate your proposed information into your "Existing Conditions Survey" and this brings you to phase 2, the Proposal Stage. We depict your intentions on our map, and enter the proposed information into your town's "Zoning Grid". All of your documents are then gathered and taken to the town where you should get your building permit and you are on your way to the next phase.
Anyone involved with your project, from a General Contractor, to a Foundation Man, a Pool Company, a Landscape Company, etc., may contact the Land Surveyor at time during the project, to ask questions, check on any alterations that may be needed, due to unforeseen issues, or any sorts of reason, to verify if they can either alter from the plan possibly, or to aid in the project further, by staking out the proposal on site (foundation, footings or offsets), staking out setback lines or any of several other methods to help the workers in the field.
The Land Surveyor is always there, accessible through the whole project, right up until the end where we verify the completed work at the town's request, in the form of an "As-Built" Survey, the final map that updates your project to the 3rd and final phase. The town wants to see your project "As it was Built" in order to verify your project complies with Zoning Requirements.